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19 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8GE

The Best Way To Care For Invisalign

If you’re considering an Invisalign treatment or have recently started one, understanding how to care for these clear aligners is paramount. Invisalign is a type of orthodontic treatment that helps to straighten teeth without the use of the typical metal braces. It involves wearing a series of custom-made clear plastic aligners that help shift your teeth into the proper position.

Our experts at 19 Wimpole Street Dental Clinic understand the importance of proper care and maintenance of Invisalign aligners. We believe that the success of Invisalign treatment is not just about the effectiveness of the aligners, but also how well you take care of them.

Understanding Invisalign Maintenance

Maintaining your Invisalign aligners is a crucial part of your treatment plan. Unlike traditional braces, which are permanently attached to your teeth, Invisalign aligners are removable. This means you have the responsibility of keeping them clean and safe.

Firstly, you need to wear your aligners for the recommended 22 hours per day. The remaining 2 hours are for eating and cleaning your teeth and the aligners. Yes, you must clean your aligners too! Neglecting this could lead to discolouration, bad odour, and even damage.

Moreover, it’s not just about cleaning your aligners. You also need to handle them with care. They are made of a clear, flexible plastic material and can break if not handled properly. When removing them, be gentle. Don’t use excessive force, which could cause them to crack or break.

Essential tips for maintaining your Invisalign aligners from 19 Wimpole Street

The professionals at 19 Wimpole Street have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to maintaining Invisalign aligners. Here are some of their essential tips:

Firstly, remember to remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. This prevents staining and damage caused by acidic foods and drinks. Secondly, always rinse your aligners when removing them. This helps to get rid of dry saliva and plaque which can cause a breeding ground for bacteria.

Also, never use hot water to clean your aligners. The heat can warp the aligner’s plastic material, altering its shape. Lastly, always store your aligners in their case when not in use. This keeps them safe and prevents accidental damage or misplacement.

Cleaning and caring for your Invisalign: A step-by-step guide

Cleaning your Invisalign aligners doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it efficiently:

  1. Remove the aligners: Start by taking out your aligners gently from your mouth.
  2. Rinse them off: Rinse the aligners under lukewarm water.
  3. Brush them: Use a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to gently brush all the surfaces of the aligners.
  4. Rinse again: After brushing, rinse the aligners thoroughly.
  5. Inspect them: Check the aligners for any calcium or tartar buildup. If there are any, soak them in a denture cleaning solution or Invisalign cleaning crystals.
  6. Rinse your mouth: Before putting the aligners back in your mouth, ensure your mouth is clean. Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly.
  7. Reinsert the aligners: After everything is clean, reinsert the aligners

Common challenges in Invisalign maintenance and their solutions

Invisalign maintenance can come with its challenges. However, knowing how to tackle these challenges can make the process much easier.

One common issue is discolouration or staining of the aligners. This often happens when you eat or drink with the aligners on. The solution is simple: always remove your aligners before consuming anything other than water.

Another problem is bad odour. This is usually a result of poor cleaning habits. To avoid this, make sure to clean your aligners properly and regularly. Also, soaking them in a denture cleaning solution or using Invisalign cleaning crystals can also help keep them fresh.

Lastly, some people often misplace their aligners. The remedy to this is always to keep them in their case when not in use. It’s also a good idea to have a designated spot for your aligners in your home.

Why regular dental visits to 19 Wimpole Street are important during your Invisalign treatment

Regular visits to your dental clinic during your Invisalign treatment are crucial. These visits allow us to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. We can also provide professional cleaning and check for any signs of dental issues that could affect your treatment.

Additionally, regular visits offer an opportunity for you to ask questions and address any concerns you might have about your treatment or aligner maintenance. We want to ensure that you are comfortable and confident throughout your treatment journey.

Remember, your road to a perfect smile is a team effort. At 19 Wimpole Street Dental Clinic, we’re not just your dentists, we’re your partners in achieving your dream smile. We’re located right here in London, ready to provide you with the best dental services possible.

Book an appointment with us today  at our Marylebone clinic to start or continue your Invisalign journey.