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19 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8GE

Will Invisalign Work For Me?

How Does Invisalign Work

Invisalign, known for its innovative approach to teeth straightening, works by using a series of clear, custom-made aligners that gradually shift your teeth into their correct positions. Unlike traditional braces that require tedious adjustments and tightening, Invisalign aligners are removable and easily replaceable every two weeks.

Invisalign aligners are made of a thermoplastic material that is virtually invisible. This means that they are not noticeable, allowing you to go about your daily routine without feeling self-conscious about your appearance.

Benefits of Choosing Invisalign for Teeth Straightening

One of the main benefits of choosing Invisalign for teeth straightening is the comfort it offers. The aligners are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth, eliminating the discomfort associated with traditional braces. Additionally, since the material is smooth plastic, they do not have any sharp edges that could cause irritation or injuries to your mouth.

Invisalign aligners also provide a high level of convenience. They are removable, which means you can easily take them off for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. Furthermore, since the aligners are clear, they are not easily noticeable, allowing you to maintain your confidence and self-esteem throughout the treatment.

Is Invisalign Right for You?

Invisalign is an excellent teeth straightening solution for many people. However, it might not be the right choice for everyone. To determine whether it is suitable for you, it’s crucial to consider several factors.

Firstly, the severity of your teeth alignment issues plays a crucial role in determining whether it is right for you. While Invisalign is highly effective in correcting mild to moderate alignment issues, it might not be as effective for severe conditions. Therefore, if you have significant alignment issues, traditional braces might be a better choice for you.

Secondly, your lifestyle can also influence whether Invisalign is suitable for you. Since Invisalign aligners are removable, they require discipline and commitment from the patient. You need to wear the aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours a day for them to be effective. If you cannot commit to this, Invisalign might not be the best choice for you.

Lastly, your age and oral health can also affect whether Invisalign is the right choice for you. Invisalign is suitable for teenagers and adults but might not be suitable for children whose teeth are still developing. Moreover, for Invisalign to work effectively, you need to have good oral health. If you have gum disease or other oral health issues, these need to be addressed before starting your Invisalign treatment.

The Treatment Process at 19 Wimpole Street

At 19 Wimpole Street, we take pride in providing a comprehensive and personalised Invisalign treatment experience. The process begins with a consultation where we assess your teeth and discuss your smile goals. We use the latest 3D imaging technology to create a detailed map of your teeth, which helps us develop a customised treatment plan for you.

Once your treatment plan is ready, we send it to Invisalign where they make your custom aligners. The aligners are then sent back to us, and we arrange a fitting appointment for you. During this appointment, we ensure that the aligners fit perfectly and guide you on how to wear and maintain them.

Throughout your treatment, we schedule regular check-ups to monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments. Our team is always available to address any concerns or queries you might have during the treatment. Our goal is to ensure that your Invisalign experience at 19 Wimpole Street is comfortable, efficient, and successful.

What to Expect After Your Treatment

Once your treatment is complete, you can expect to see a significant improvement in your smile. Your teeth will be straighter, and any alignment issues you have will be corrected. However, to maintain these results, it is crucial to follow your orthodontist’s post-treatment instructions.

Most orthodontists recommend wearing a retainer after Invisalign treatment. The retainer helps maintain the new position of your teeth and prevent them from shifting back to their original position. The frequency and duration of wearing the retainer can vary depending on your specific case.

Additionally, maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are crucial to preserving your new smile. Regular brushing and flossing can keep your teeth clean and healthy, while regular dental check-ups can help detect and address any potential issues early.

Get in touch for your consultation at 19 Wimpole Street!